Hey hi hello… I am so glad you have landed here!
My name is Rebecca, and I am the
founder of Happy Whole Foodie.
Let me tell you how this all began…
My passion for holistic health and whole food living started back in 2015 when I was working in a corporate administration role. I had two amazing coworkers who were all about clean eating and healthy living. We would swap raw slices, get each other treats from the health food store, and bring our (almost) expired veggies to work to make juices.
I began to outgrow my role, I wanted new challenges. The universe must have been on my side because I landed a role at a major health food retailer. That’s when things really kicked off. I joined the marketing team and got a crash course in everything the health and wellness industry had to offer. I was creating recipes, writing newsletters and blogs, and learning about the latest health food products. My diet naturally evolved as my knowledge grew.
I went from over indulging in processed food, junk food, soft drinks, and sugary treats to enjoying food in its pure, whole form. I taught myself how to read ingredient labels, tweak recipes to be additive free, and embraced natural health and medicine. After finishing my Bachelor of Business & the Arts in 2016, I knew I needed to dive deeper. I enrolled at Endeavour College to study for a Bachelor of Complementary Medicine.
In 2017, I had my first son and realised I wasn't just doing this for me; I was doing it for my family. I want to live a long, happy, healthy life, but more importantly I want health and happiness for my family too. As time went on, I learned more and more about clean eating and how important it is for our little ones. I truly believe we have the honour of nurturing and caring for our children, and that starts with the food we feed them.
A few important things I think you should know…
Living a whole food, additive free lifestyle brings me joy. I adore being able to nurture and care for my family in this way.
But... Perfection isn't my goal and it shouldn't be yours.
I want to enjoy pizza by the beach.
I love ice cream and so does my family.
It's nice getting take out from time to time.
I want to take my kids on incredible adventures and enjoy the local delights. In all seriousness, who wants to go to somewhere like Paris and not eat a croissant?
I live by the 80/20 rule. Consuming whole and additive free foods 80 per cent of the time allows me the freedom to bend the rules 20 per cent of the time.
And when I do flex the rules? I make the best possible choices I can. I'm talking gluten free or sourdough pizza (never the crappy fast food style). Whole food ice at home or an authentic, well made ice cream out.
Everyday there is new information being made available to us. Just like you I am learning and LOVE doing so.
If you stumble across something you think I would enjoy, please feel free to reach out over Instagram or email.
Full disclosure, I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice.
I am here simply sharing what I have learnt about selecting, preparing, and enjoying REAL food.
The information I share is factual and I can provide evidence for my recommendations if needed but if you need health or medical advice, you should see a doctor.
Random things you may not know about me…
My FAVOURITE food is chocolate…
Loco Love to be specific #IYKYK
I live on the BEAUTIFUL Sunshine Coast and I couldn’t dream of a better place to raise my boys and wake up every day.
I don’t drink alcohol or coffee.
Coffee gives me heart palpitations.
One of my fondest memories of my childhood are family dinners. I am extraordinarily grateful for my mum, who made this happen most nights (and my dad who was up for the task on the nights she couldn’t) and to my three sisters who offered their company every evening. I hope my children remember our family meals with such fondness.
My whole food favourites are: CARB is potato, PROTEIN is beef mince, FAT is ghee, FRUIT is MANGO, and VEGETABLE is carrot. I cannot live without cassava flour in the pantry.